
September 03, 2017  •  5 Comments

I was invite by one of my photo buddies to my first ever 'Schutzhund' competition to cheer on her sister who was competing in a National Event over the Labor Day Weekend. Being new to the sport and training process, I was anxious to capture some unique images for the portfolio - and OMG is it ever unique! I had no real idea of what this entailed but after the first couple of participants, you get the idea that this is about serious dog handling/training techniques and developing protection dogs for families/security purposes. I don't know enough about the sport/competition to give you a clear understanding of what all it takes to do this, but one thing I quickly figured out - these are some seriously awesome animals, trainers and field tech's working the event. 

Pictures are worth a thousand words - so here you go! Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think of 'Schutzhund'!







Jim, great job with the photos! I'm the sister that Jim came to watch and cheer on. Jim it was a pleasure meeting you and I'm glad you got some great shots. I'm sorry I wasn't able to spend more time with you. Trial season is coming up so there will be plenty more opportunities if you're interested in getting more shots of schutzhund dogs in action.

By the way, John, the males run from 85 to 100 lbs! My guy weighs in at about 97, LOL.
John Lyon(non-registered)
I might be able to handle the bite to the forearm, but not a 75+ pound dog swinging by his teeth!!
Keith Edwards(non-registered)
Awesome shots as usual Jim! Nice work!
Judi McCue(non-registered)
Not enough padding in that suit to entice me to be on the business end of those pups! Nice work, cuz!
I definitely would not want to be the one they are coming after!!! NOPE!!!!!!! Great photo's!!!
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